Visitor information
We know how important visitors are to our patients, and it is our priority to keep patients, staff and visitors safe. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
In some cases, our units may need to change visiting guidelines and restrictions for the health and safety of our patients, residents, staff and visitors. If you are planning to visit, please call ahead to make sure there are no changes to the visiting hours.
Visiting hours
Visitors are welcome at any time of day or night for most hospital units, including intensive care units and palliative care. Overnight stays must be approved in advance by the Team Leader or Patient Care Manager of the unit.
When choosing to visit, please be considerate of patients’ needs for quiet, privacy and rest, especially during the evening and night hours.
Visiting the Emergency Department »
Visiting St. John’s Rehab »
Visiting hours at St. John’s Rehab are 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., daily.
Please pre-arrange visits after 10pm with the unit.
Help us keep you and our patients safe
Visitors must follow the guidelines below. If visitors are not following the guidelines, they may be asked to leave the hospital.

Do not visit our patients or residents if you are sick.
If you have any of the following symptoms, do not visit our patients or residents:
- Fever
- Sore throat
- New or worsening cough
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Shortness of breath
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- Unexplained fatigue or muscle aches
- Loss of taste or smell
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
Do not visit until you have been free of symptoms for at least 24 hours (48 hours for vomiting and/or diarrhea).
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the past 10 days (including the patient you are visiting), do not visit our patients or residents. Exposed means you spent 15 or more minutes within 6 feet of the person who has tested positive with COVID-19, and you weren’t wearing a mask.

Wear a mask.
All visitors, including children aged two and older, must wear a mask when in contact with patients and residents, including in patient rooms, treatment spaces, and patient waiting areas. If you arrive without a mask, please take one (free of charge) from the dispensers at our entrances, and wear it when required so that it covers your mouth and nose.

Only two visitors at a time.
Most areas of the hospital allow only two visitors at a time. Other visitors may wait in common areas such as cafeterias or designated waiting rooms and not on the unit or in corridors. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
Patients visiting the Emergency Department or an outpatient clinic may invite one person to support them during their visit.
Residents of the Veterans Centre may have more than two visitors at a time, where space allows.

Clean your hands.
Washing your hands will prevent infections and illnesses from spreading in the hospital and helps to keep you safe from germs. Use the hand sanitizer at the entrances and throughout the hospital.

Eat or drink only in approved areas.
Do not eat or drink in patient and resident rooms or waiting rooms. If you need to eat or drink, you must visit a cafeteria.

Use public washrooms only.
Do not use washrooms in patient and resident rooms. Please use the public washrooms located throughout our buildings.
Plan your visit
- Getting here »
Find out how to get to our campuses: including directions, maps and parking information
- Gift shop »
Purchase a gift for your loved one through the Sunnybrook Gift Shop website. We offer free delivery to patients at our Bayview Campus and Holland Centre.
- Operating room (Bayview Campus) »
A special waiting lounge is available for family members of patients who are undergoing surgery. Also: learn how to track your loved one's surgery progress online.
Have questions? Please get in touch with our Patient Experience Ambassadors at or 416-480-4100.