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Family Navigation Project

Tools for youth

In this youth-specific toolkit, you will find:

  • 10 things you should know about accessing mental health and addictions care
  • What can help when transitioning between child and adult systems
  • What to expect when working with navigation teams

Download Tools for Youth.

Tips for youth: From child to adult mental health and addictions care

Learning about mental health and addictions (MHA) care can help you feel prepared for transitions. Here are some tips when looking for support.

Seek help early: Reaching out for support sooner rather than later is an important step in learning how to manage your concerns.

Service providers: Look for supportive and
motivating providers who actively involve you and
caregivers (if you choose), ask for your feedback,
and focus on development rather than age.

Ask questions: Seeking information about a service
provider, for example, the types of supports available,
possible barriers, and what to expect can help you
decide if they are a good fit for you.

Collaboration: When youth, any involved
caregivers, and service providers work
together, this can help everyone better
understand how to access and transition
through MHA services.