Family Navigation Project

Tools for caregivers

In this caregiver-specific toolkit, you will find:

  • 10 things you should know about accessing mental health and addictions care
  • What can help when transitioning between child and adult systems
  • What to expect when working with navigation teams

Download Tools for Caregivers.

What to expect when working with navigation teams

Navigation services can support you and your youth when you are trying to find, access, or transition through mental health and addictions (MHA) care. Here are some of the ways navigation services can help.

Navigation services work to understand your youth
and family’s needs to create an individualized care plan.

Navigation services use the knowledge and
expertise of navigators to find good service
matches for your youth and family.

Navigation services help save time and alleviate burden by finding information and services for you and your youth.

Navigation services find creative solutions for
the challenges you or your youth might be facing.

Navigation services advocate for your and your
youth’s needs to support you throughout the system.

Navigation services provide moral and emotional
support throughout the care journey.