Family Navigation Project

Tools for service providers

In this toolkit for service providers, you will find:

  • Challenges experienced by youth and their families in mental health and addictions care
  • How you can support and engage youth & families – key considerations
  • Understanding caregiver experiences and supporting caregiver involvement in youth care
  • How navigation can support transitions – what you should know

Download Tools for Service Providers.

How service providers can support youth through challenges

Understanding some of the challenges faced by youth can help service providers support them and enable optimal transitions and access to mental health and addictions (MHA) care..

Costs and waiting for care
Start transition planning early and advocate for greater funding to increase availability of public and local resources.

Involving Youth
Engage in youth-specific training to learn how to
empower youth and address barriers to care.

Appropriate and comprehensive care
Adopt a youth-centred service model to offer
developmentally appropriate care.

Continuity of care
Engage in practice networks to break down
siloes between services and systems.

Family involvement
Inform family members about confidentiality
policies. Offer families resources and support.