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Safe Medication Use

Patients and family members are part of the health care team and need to work with the doctors, nurses and pharmacists to ensure safe medication use. Here is some information that can help you and your family ensure you get the right medication at the correct dosage while you are in hospital.

When you come to the hospital you will be asked about the medications you take at home and about any allergies you might have. It is a good idea to carry with you an up-to-date written list of your drug allergies and all of the medications that you take including non-prescription drugs, vitamins and herbal products. The information your team needs is:

1.    Name of the medication
2.    Dose of the medication
3.    The reason you are taking it
4.    The prescribing doctor

Be sure to let your health care team know if you get prescriptions from more than one doctor. If possible, you should bring all your medications, in their original containers, to the hospital with you.