Important wayfinding information for patients visiting G-Wing. Read more »

Department of Psychiatry


To access our services & support, a referral from a family doctor, or other primary care provider, is usually required.

 Download the CPSE referral form (PDF) 

Catchment map:

CPSE catchment area

Please include the following in your referral: 

  1. Client information:
    Full name, address, telephone, birthdate, gender, marital status, health card number

  2. Family member or friend able to attend the assessment:
    Name and telephone number

  3. Family physician:
    Name, address, telephone, OHIP billing number

  4. Reason for referral:
    Symptoms or behaviours, urgency, severity and frequency

  5. Reason home visit is needed

  6. Mental health:
    Cognitive status, prior psychiatric history, behavioural problems

  7. Physical health:
    Acute and chronic conditions

  8. Medications

  9. Medical investigations:
    Results and tests ordered

Please direct all referral information to:

  1. Phone: 416-480-4663
  2. Fax: 416-480-5889
  3. Email:
  4. Mail:
    Community Psychiatric Services for the Elderly,
    Room F307
    Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
    2075 Bayview Avenue
    Toronto, Ontario
    M4N 3M5

Location and contact

Community Psychiatric Services for the Elderly (CPSE)

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
2075 Bayview Avenue,
F-wing, 3rd floor,
room F 307  
Toronto, ON M4N 3M5

Phone: 416-480-4663
Fax: 416-480-5889

Email: cpse@

Referral information