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Our Craniofacial Prosthetics Unit (CPU) is one of only three in Canada to have a multidisciplinary healthcare team. Our team is specially set up to create custom-made, life-like prostheses for patients who are missing parts of their face due to cancer, trauma or congenital birth anomalies. Our team consists of a Craniofacial surgeon, anaplastologists, supportive healthcare professionals, psychologists, social workers and other healthcare professionals to assist in making you as comfortable as possible.

Types of Prosthetics

Think of a facial prosthesis in the same way you think of special effects make-up that is used to change the appearance of a movie star. The facial prosthesis is an artificial device used to replace a missing or malformed facial feature. Persons needing a prosthesis may have lost part of their face as a result of cancer, trauma or a congenital birth anomaly. Facial prostheses offer various advantages and disadvantages, compared to surgical rehabilitation, which should be discussed with your craniofacial team.

Click on the images below, or follow this link for more information about types of facial prosthetics.