Colorectal Cancer
The Odette Cancer Centre's Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Program sees approximately 1,400 new patients annually. OCC is the only regional cancer centre in Ontario with special expertise in Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS). Our specialized clinics include Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Clinic, clinic for patients with locally advanced or recurrent rectal cancer, and clinics for CRC patients with liver metastases.
The CRC team consists of physicians including radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, surgical oncologists, gastroenterologists, pathologists, radiologists, and medical geneticists. The team also includes genetic counsellors, advanced practice nurses, enterostomal therapists, clinical nurse educators, specialized oncology primary care nurses, nutritionists, social workers, and pharmacists.
Research by the CRC team has focused on screening, health services research and knowledge transfer.
The CRC team consists of physicians including radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, surgical oncologists, gastroenterologists, pathologists, radiologists, and medical geneticists. The team also includes genetic counsellors, advanced practice nurses, enterostomal therapists, clinical nurse educators, specialized oncology primary care nurses, nutritionists, social workers, and pharmacists.
Research by the CRC team has focused on screening, health services research and knowledge transfer.
More information about our colorectal cancer care