Obsessive compulsive disorder
Start your search for information here
Where to find mental health information and access to care »
Sunnybrook Family Navigation Project
- supporting families with youth aged 13-26
- facilitates connections and treatment providers
- sunnybrook.ca/familynavigation
- find mental health services, help and support in your community
- ementalhealth.ca
- health services information
- operates three helplines 24/7
- connexontario.ca
- service database
- 24/7 community information and referral helplines
- 211toronto.ca
- links to health services
- centralhealthline.ca
Homelessness & mental health: Toronto North Support Services
- support services for vulnerable individuals on the street and in shelters
- tnss.ca
Where to find clinical supports at Sunnybrook »
Thompson Anxiety Disorders Centre
- provides clinical care and referrals for OCD and related disorders
- helpful links and informational resources for OCD and related disorders
- sunnybrook.ca/thompsoncentre
Sunnybrook Department of Psychiatry
- link for referral information
- sunnybrook.ca/psychiatry/refer
Drop-in sessions and classes »
- Upcoming Support Programs across Ontario - Mood Disorders Association of Ontario (MDAO)
- Self-Help Resource Centre
- Laughing Like Crazy at MDAO (looking through difficult issues through the lens of humour; a 16 week group program)
- Wellness Recovery Action Plan (W.R.A.P.) at MDAO
Drop-in resources for youth »
Diagnostic information and resources »
Mood Disorders Association of Ontario
- free peer support and recovery programs for patients and families
- diagnostic information
- mooddisorders.ca
Canadian Mental Health Association
- links to information and community support services
- cmha.ca
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments
- helpful informational links
- links to resources
- canmat.org
- information on CBT and mental health
- academyofct.org
Beck Institute for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- information on CBT
- beckinstitute.org
- helping links, information and support for patients and families
- iocdf.org
Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada
- helpful information and links to resources
- anxietycanada.ca
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
- helpful links and information
- adaa.org
National Alliance on Mental Illness
- helpful links and information
- nami.org - OCD information
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- helpful links and information
- camh.ca - OCD information
Children’s Mental Health Ontario
- helpful links and information for parents in multiple languages
- kidsmentalhealth.ca
- helpful information and resources for patients and families
- heretohelp.bc.ca
Helping Other Parents Everywhere (HOPE)
- support and self-help groups for parents, guardians and relatives of young adults
- hope4parents.ca
Videos and podcasts »
Booklets and fact sheets »
- What Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? (American Psychiatric Association)
- What You Need to Know about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (International OCD Foundation)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Royal College of Psychiatrists)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders: A Handbook for Patients and Families (Sunnybrook)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: An Information Guide (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
- The mental health benefits of exercise (Sunnybrook)
- The truth about trichotillomania - the hairpulling disorder (CBC)
Apps »
Disclaimer: we have not evaluated these apps. They are listed in alphabetical order, not order of effectiveness.
Calm - guided mindfulness meditation for smartphones and tablets; $13.99/month
Headspace - guided meditation for smartphones and tablets; free 10 day trial then $12.95/month Read more about Headspace: "The Science of Meditation" and "HeadSpace Research"
Live OCD Free - interactive application to guide users through Exposure-Response Prevention for iPhone; $39.99
MediSafe - medication reminder for smartphones and tablets; $6.99
nOCD - personalized mobile treatment tool for OCD for smartphones and smartwatches; $8.99/month
Pacifica - holistic tools to address stress, anxiety and depression for smartphones, tablets and web; free 7 day trial then $5.49/month
SuperBetter - helps build personal resilience for smartphones, tablets and web; free
Self-help books »
- The OCD Workbook: Your guide to breaking free from obsessive-compulsive disorder (Hyman and Pedrick, New Harbinger Publications: 2010)
- Getting over OCD: A 10-Step workbook for taking back your life (Abramowitz, Guilford Press: 2009)
- Freedom from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A personalized recovery program for living with uncertainty (Grayson, Berkeley Trade: 2004)
- Loving Someone with OCD: Help for you and your family (Landsman, Rupert's and Pedrick (2005)
Informational books »
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, 4th Edition: The Facts Series (Rachman and De Silva, Oxford University Press: 2009)
- Understanding Mental Disorders: A Patient and Family Resource (American Psychiatric Association, 2015) - available in the Sunnybrook Library
Last updated: November 2016