Holland Bone and Joint Program
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Outpatient Rehabilitation Services

The Outpatient Rehabilitation Services at the Holland Centre is for patients who have had a hip, knee or shoulder replacement. After their joint replacement, patients are assessed by a physiotherapist and receive education and a personalized treatment plan.

How to get an appointment

If you are having a shoulder, knee or hip replacement and physiotherapy is recommended by your surgeon, we will make arrangements for you to have physiotherapy at the Holland Centre. If you are having a knee or shoulder replacement, during your preadmission visit, the nurse will send a referral to the Holland Centre Outpatient Rehabilitation Services. If you prefer to go to a physiotherapy clinic closer to your home, we have agreements with clinics across Ontario. Please click here to search available clinics

About the clinic visit

What can I expect?

During your first appointment you will be assessed by a physiotherapist. The physiotherapist will ask you questions about your medical history, your home environment, how you are feeling after surgery and how you are moving around your home. You will be asked to complete some short questionnaires about your pain level and ability to perform your daily activities. This visit may be done virtually (telephone or video) or in person and will take 30-60 minutes.

Physiotherapy treatment after a knee replacement

If you have had a knee replacement, your first visit will be scheduled about one week after surgery. Your first visit is used to prepare you for your physiotherapy treatment. After a knee replacement, patients have physiotherapy treatments two times a week for about four weeks. Your treatment can be done virtually (by video) or in person and is held in small group classes with other patients who have also had knee replacements. The classes are run by a physiotherapist and physiotherapy assistant.

For each physiotherapy appointment, it is important that you have taken your pain medication 30 minutes before your appointment and that you have eaten.

Physiotherapy treatment after a hip replacement

After a hip replacement, you will be given exercises while you are in the hospital to complete while you recover at home. You will be asked to attend an in-person or virtual rehabilitation session at the Holland Centre six to eight weeks after your surgery to make sure that you are continuing to make good progress.

Physiotherapy treatment after a shoulder replacement

If you have had a shoulder replacement your first visit will be scheduled about two weeks after surgery. While you are in the hospital, you will be provided with an exercise protocol. This protocol should be brought with you to each appointment.

You may be asked to participate in research

  • While receiving care at the Holland Centre, you may be asked about a research study. Research informs the care we provide.
  • If you agree, a research assistant may speak with you during your appointment(s).
  • Your participation is voluntary.
  • If you have any questions regarding research, please speak with your healthcare team.

Preparing for physiotherapy

What to have with you at your appointment:

  • Your OHIP card and Sunnybrook hospital card
  • A list of medications you are taking
  • The Holland Centre exercise booklet that was given to you after your surgery
  • Comfortable clothing that will allow your therapist to see the area of your surgery (i.e. your knee or shoulder)
  • Reading glasses, if needed
  • Supportive non-slip shoes

Will I need any equipment for my physiotherapy?

If you have had a knee replacement you will need the following equipment to complete your home exercise program:
  • Elastic resistance bands (a light, medium and heavy resistance band)
  • A long strap or belt for stretching exercises
You may purchase these items in the Holland Centre gift shop (located in the first floor main lobby) or on the online gift shop as well as at a medical supply/sporting goods store of your choice.

What can I do to make sure I have the best outcome possible?

Your physiotherapy exercises are a very important part of your recovery after surgery. You will be taught a home exercise program, it is very important that you follow the program to get a good outcome. In order to participate in physiotherapy, your pain needs to be manageable. If you are not tolerating the pain medication then please follow up with the surgeon’s office so that your pain does not limit your participation in physiotherapy. Prior to physiotherapy sessions you should ensure you have taken your pain medication (ideally 30 minutes before your appointment) and have eaten properly.

Will I need to complete any forms?

Yes, you will be asked to complete forms with questions about your pain and function. It might help you feel more prepared for your appointment if you read them or even complete them ahead of time.

If you have had knee surgery, you will be asked to complete both pages of this form.

If you have had shoulder surgery, you will be asked to complete the P4 Questionnaire (second page)

What if I need to reschedule my appointment?

If you need to reschedule or are running late for your appointment, call the rehab reception at 416-967-8626

What patients say about their physiotherapy after joint replacement

"While it was hard, especially in the beginning of my recovery, I have been able to progress and slowly get stronger by doing my exercises regularly. Physiotherapy has taught me that I have an important role in my own recovery, and that my new joint will only be as good as I make it, by doing the exercises and activities that are right for me."

- Rachel, 42, total right knee replacement (November 2020)

Additional resources

Location and contact

Outpatient Rehabilitation Services

Holland Centre
43 Wellesley Street East

Toronto, ON M4Y 1H1

Rehab Services is located in the basement level of the Holland Centre.

Outpatient Rehab Reception: