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Hospital  >  Patients & Visitors  >  About your hospital stay  >  Surgical Services  >  Scheduling and planning ahead

Scheduling and planning ahead

Coloured pencil checking a checkbox.

You will get a confirmation call between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. one work day before your surgery telling you what time to arrive at the hospital, and what time your surgery is scheduled for.

Registration time could be as early as 6 a.m. Please be on time to register.

Patients who need help to understand English must have someone with them to translate on the day of surgery.


Your surgery is scheduled, but may be delayed or cancelled if an emergency operation needs to take place.
If your surgery is cancelled due to an emergency, your surgeon's office will contact you to reschedule as soon as possible.


If you need to cancel your surgery for any reason, please call 48 hours in advance.
To cancel you must call your surgeon’s office and Sunnybrook surgical services (416-480-6100 ext. 685141).

If you feel sick before your surgery, or if you have cold or flu symptoms, please call your surgeon’s office. Your surgery may need to be rescheduled.

Planning ahead

Arrange for a friend or family member to support you throughout the surgery process. Your healthcare team can answer your questions about planning for surgery and discharge.

If you are staying at the hospital overnight

  • Plan for one friend or family member to be with you on your surgery day.
  • Arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home or sit in a taxi with you after discharge.
  • Do not take public transit. If you do not have a ride home, your surgery booking may be affected.
  • Pack a small bag that a friend or family member can bring to your room after surgery. Include:
    • toothbrush and toothpaste
    • toiletries (soap and hair supplies)
    • housecoat or robe
    • socks and slippers
    • sleeping mask and ear plugs (recommended)
    • glasses, hearing aids, and cane, if needed
  • Do not bring money, credit cards, jewelry, or valuables. Sunnybrook will not take responsibility for your belongings.
  • Please note that discharge time from the surgical short stay unit is 7:30 a.m. Discharge time on inpatient units is before 11 a.m.

If you are going home the same day as your surgery

  • Your clothes and belongings will be given to your companion or placed in a locker while you are in surgery.
  • Do not bring money, credit cards, jewelry, or valuables to the hospital.
  • You must have a friend or family member drive you home or travel with you in a taxi after your surgery.
  • Do not drive yourself, and do not take the bus. If you do not have someone to accompany you home, your booking may be changed.
  • You must have a responsible adult stay with you overnight.

If you do not have a responsible adult to take you home and stay with you overnight, call your surgeon’s office. Your surgery may be cancelled or delayed.

For 24 hours after surgery:

  • Do not drive or operate a vehicle of any kind
  • Do not drink alcohol
  • Do not make any major decisions
  • Do not operate any type of machinery

Start preparing

You may need to change some of your habits to make sure that you are healthy and fit for surgery. Visit the preparing for surgery page for more information.