This respiratory illness season, wearing a mask is required in patient and resident areas at Sunnybrook. Read our visitor guidelines »

A doctor and patient
Hospital  >  Departments  >  Medicine  >  Divisions  >  Geriatric Medicine  >  Senior friendly  >  Senior friendly home  >  Resources for Clinicians

Resources for Clinicians

Seniors are most vulnerable when hospitalized. Evidence shows that the hospital stay itself makes seniors more vulnerable to complications and loss of functional ability.

Sunnybrook uses a 4Ms framework of Senior Friendly Care for senior-related improvement work and consistency in direction across programs and services.

Pregnancy, birth & newborn information

Senior friendly care at Sunnybrook is safe, evidence-informed care that creates a better care experience for older adults.

what Matters most

Align care with goals and care preferences


Support daily mobility

Promote function, Activities of daily iving


Prevent, identify, treat, & manage:

  • Delirium
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • High Risk Behaviours


Ensure medication safety

Minimize impact of medication on the other Ms

*Based on the IHI's AgeFriendly Health Systems' 4Ms model.

The resources below are directed at healthcare providers with the goal of fostering a comprehensive approach to senior care.