Hospital  >  Patients & Visitors  >  About your hospital stay  >  Room accommodations

Room accommodations

What is preferred accommodation?

If you are admitted as an inpatient at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, you can request your preferred accommodation out of the following options:

Ward (3 or more beds) – no charge if you have OHIP coverage

Semi-private (2 beds) – Additional fees if requested

Private (1 bed) – Additional fees if requested

For more information please read our FAQ page

Looking to Request a Private or Semi-Private Room?

For Maternity patient admissions in our birthing unit please complete the online request form, prior to your delivery date.

For any other stay in our hospital:

If you are interested in requesting a Private or Semi-private room please contact our Preferred Accommodation Coordinator team below or email us at

Accommodation Coordinator Main Line: 437-221-7135

Alternative Line: 416-480-6100 ext. 61063

Information for St. John's Rehab patients

To arrange preferred accommodation such as a semi-private or private room, please complete a preferred accommodation request form prior to your admission to the hospital. If your requested accommodation is not available, you will be billed according to the preferred accommodation provided.

The patient accounts office at St. John's Rehab is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. For more information, please call 416-226-6780, ext. 57045.