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Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  St. John's Rehab Program  >  About St. John's Rehab  >  Our Firsts

Our Firsts

Founded in 1937, St. John’s Rehab was Ontario’s first hospital in the Toronto area to focus on rehabilitation care. The hospital was founded by the This link opens in a new window Sisterhood of St. John the Divine, who have been pioneers in health care since 1885, promoting healing for the mind, body and soul.

St. John's Rehab at Sunnybrook is the ONLY:

St. John’s Rehab was the FIRST:

  • to provide a rehabilitation program for electrical injury survivors.
  • to use Nintendo Wii as a tool for rehabilitation.
  • rehab hospital to participate in one of the first major health integration in Ontario since the advent of LHINs.
  • to pilot a focused inpatient wound rehabilitation program.