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Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  St. John's Rehab Program  >  About St. John's Rehab  >  Partnerships


Responding to the changing needs of patients and promoting healthy communities has always been a top priority for St. John's Rehab Program. We proactively establish partnerships with acute care hospitals and the community to help achieve a more integrated health care system.

Partnerships include:

North York General Hospital

St. John's Rehab has teamed up with North York General Hospital to integrate their inpatient rehab services to a focused, specialized program at St. John's Rehab. Most patients at North York General Hospital who can benefit from rehabilitation are now transferred to St. John's Rehab upon completion of acute care treatments.

This has allowed North York General Hospital to convert its inpatient rehab program into acute care space, thereby reducing wait times in their emergency department.

St. John's Rehab Program is using newly added resources to admit patients with additional medical needs and now has the capacity to provide over 5000 additional days of rehabilitation annually, equal to providing care to almost 14 more patients at any one time.

University Health Network (UHN)

St. John's Rehab has worked closely with the multi-organ transplant team at Toronto General Hospital to develop Canada's only dedicated organ transplant rehabilitation program.

Shared Information Management Services (SIMS) and the GTA Health Information Collaborative (HIC)

SIMS is a shared technology service designed to improve patient care and realize efficiencies while supporting the health-care information needs of each organization. St. John's Rehab is part of SIMS together with 6 other health care organizations: Providence Healthcare, Toronto Central Community Care Access Centre, Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network, West Park Healthcare Centre and Women's College Hospital.

The SIMS partner organizations are also part of the HIC, a formal association that collaborates to advance information technology among 17 health care organizations across the Toronto Area.

GTA Rehab Network

As one of the founding organizations of this network, the hospital actively plays a role in the development of rehab policy and planning.

Total Joint Network

The Total Joint Network is a partnership of healthcare organizations working together to refine orthopaedic care. St. John's Rehab is one of 23 healthcare organizations that have come together to implement an improved model of care for patients undergoing primary hip or knee replacement surgery. The partnership includes acute care, rehabilitation hospitals and Community Care Access Centres.

Other hospital partners:

St. John's Rehab is a teaching site for:

Other community partners:

Other key health care partners: