Acupuncture Clinic
St. John's Rehab's Acupuncture Clinic is the first of its kind to operate within a fully-accredited hospital in North Toronto and York Region. The clinic is a partnership between the hospital and the Canadian Centre for Acupuncture (CCA), the leading provider of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Canada. The clinic is staffed by fully-trained, experienced and highly respected acupuncturists.
Book an appointment
To schedule an appointment, please contact 416-224-6948.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the therapeutic modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Fine needles are inserted into specific points of the body. By facilitating the body's self-healing system, acupuncture can assist with the management of symptoms in conjunction with conventional medical treatment of diseases.
Who benefits from acupuncture?
Acupuncture can be an effective treatment option for people who are experiencing:
- Pain
- Anxiety
- Sleep disorders
- Menstrual problems
- Chronic fatigue
- Depression
- Allergies
- Skin disorders
How does acupuncture work?
Your body is a network of interacting energies. An even distribution and smooth flow of these energies will maintain health, whereas any interruption, depletion or stagnation in these energies can lead to disease. The principle of acupuncture is to aid these natural processes, helping the body to re-order the interaction of energies and heal itself.
What are our fees?
OHIP does not cover the cost of acupuncture treatment. Charges will apply for initial assessment and treatment sessions. Your extended health insurance plans may cover these costs.
Location and contact
Acupuncture Clinic
St. John's Rehab
285 Cummer Avenue,
Toronto, ON M2M 2G1
Phone: 416-224-6948
Clinic Brochure
For referring organizations:
If you would like copies of our brochures for you and your patients, please fill out our Printed Material Request Form.
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Dr. Adam Chen Director of St. John's Rehab Acupuncture Clinic