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Tes, burn survivor, working out with therapy equipment
"Using the PrimusRS BTE (Baltimore Therapeutic Equipment) machine, we simulate oil changes, removing tires, and the use of different screwdrivers."

- John Cho, Occupational Therapist

Meet Tes: auto mechanic & burn survivor

Tes came to Canada from Eritrea, Africa in 1993. His goal was to work on cars and become a certified mechanic. It still is.

A gas tank explosion at his job left Tes with severe burns to approximately 70 per cent of his body. Since January 2009 he has been coming in from Kitchener for therapy at St. John's Rehab, site of Ontario's only burn rehab program. At the hospital, Tes has found services and support that are all focused on enabling him to return to work and to pursue his automotive mechanic's certificate.

Fire can leave a person with scars both above and below the surface. At St. John's Rehab, our burn program provides specialized interdisciplinary services to address the physical, psychosocial, work and leisure needs of individuals with severe burn injuries.

Because Tes was so motivated to return to work, we developed exercises that were specific to his job as a mechanic. We are helping Tes rebuild his physical strength, so that it matches the determination he shows every day.

Tes has benefited from our Back on Track outpatient rehabilitation program, which specifically focuses on recovery from motor vehicle and workplace accidents.

The program helps patients progress toward their pre-accident level of function in a facility that provides exceptional care and evidence-based outcomes.

In 1998, the program was awarded a Workplace Safety and Insurance Board contract to assess and treat workers who have work-related burns, amputations and complex traumas.