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Audit of Veterans Centre completed

March 28, 2013

Veterans Affairs Canada released the results of its Audit of the Veterans Centre at Sunnybrook today and its findings are consistent with the review released in February, which revealed no concerns with the quality of care and safety of veterans. 

It is encouraging the findings of both reports are similar and they have concluded the delivery of care of veterans at Sunnybrook is of a high quality. The audit team from Veterans Affairs Canada highlighted some opportunities for improvement, which were akin to those found in the review Dr. Karima Velji conducted. 

In the federal audit, it is suggested there is opportunity to address small problems with families before they escalate to major issues. The auditors also pointed out there may be an opportunity to increase the frequency of family conferences depending on the unique needs of our many families. 

Sunnybrook is committed to implementing the suggestions from Veterans Affairs Canada and the recommendations Dr. Velji has made in her report. We are proud of our leadership position in the care of veterans and we will continue to focus on improving the experience our residents and their families have with Sunnybrook. 

Read the audit on Veterans Affairs Canada website »

Full media release


Veterans Affairs Canada audit finds delivery of care is of a high quality

TORONTO, ON (March 28, 2013) - Veterans Affairs Canada released the results of its Audit of the Veterans Centre at Sunnybrook today and its findings are consistent with the review released in February, which revealed no concerns with the quality of care and safety of veterans. 

It is encouraging the findings of both reports are similar and they have concluded the delivery of care of veterans at Sunnybrook is of a high quality. The audit team from Veterans Affairs Canada highlighted some opportunities for improvement, which were akin to those found in the review Dr. Karima Velji conducted. 

In the federal audit, it is suggested there is opportunity to address small problems with families before they escalate to major issues. The auditors also pointed out there may be an opportunity to increase the frequency of family conferences depending on the unique needs of our many families. 

Sunnybrook is committed to implementing the suggestions from Veterans Affairs Canada and the recommendations Dr. Velji has made in her report. We are proud of our leadership position in the care of veterans and we will continue to focus on improving the experience our residents and their families have with Sunnybrook. 


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Communications and Stakeholder Relations


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