- About SRI▼
- Research▼
- Research platforms›
- Research programs›
- Centres›
- Labs & groups›
- Biomarker imaging research laboratory
- Bulbar function laboratory
- Cardiovascular MRI
- Centre for Mobile Computing in Mental Health
- Cognitive neurology
- Driving with neuropsychiatric illnesses
- Education Research Unit
- Emergency services
- Focused ultrasound
- Hearing Research
- Multimodal brain imaging and modeling
- Obstetrical anesthesia research unit
- Orthopaedic biomechanics
- Perioperative brain health centre
- Surgical Practices and Research Collaborative (SPaRC) group
- Surgical neuromonitoring
- The Brain Repair Group
- Vascular biology imaging
- Suicide Prevention Research Collaborative (SPRC)
- Study of Treatment Approaches for Sleep Apnea
- COVID-19 Research›
- Scientist Profiles›
- Research Services ▼
- Education & Training▼
- Commercialization▼