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Hospital news

Doctor and patient Monday, December 14, 2015  Patients with prostate cancer should fully discuss treatment options
Review looks at non-conservative treatments for prostate cancer and overall control
Dr. Mark Sinyor Tuesday, December 8, 2015  Comparing antidepressants and behaviour therapy
Sunnybrook psychiatrists weighed in on a review of treatment options for severe depression
Dr. Tishan Maraj Monday, December 7, 2015  3-D MRI shows early signs of stroke risk in diabetic patients
New research led by Dr. Tishan Maraj, imaging analyst at Sunnybrook
Dr. Anthony Levitt Wednesday, November 18, 2015  Light therapy an effective treatment for non-seasonal depression
The finding may change the way depression is treated, researchers say
Sandra Black Monday, November 16, 2015  Renowned Sunnybrook researcher receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Black honoured for accomplishments in stroke and dementia research