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Brain science news

Monday, June 18, 2018  Dr. Sandra Black receives honorary degree from University of Waterloo
The honorary degree reflects her collaborations over the years with University of Waterloo scientists and recognizes international contributions to stroke and dementia
Thursday, June 7, 2018  How the latest research may one day prevent delirium in patients
Study investigates how delirium can be prevented and how preclinical trials and research can lead to potential treatments for the future
Tuesday, June 5, 2018  Lives disrupted: The impact of stroke on women
The Heart & Stroke's 2018 report finds women are disproportionately affected by stroke throughout their lives
Tuesday, May 1, 2018  North American first: Researchers investigate safety of scalpel-free brain surgery to treat depression
Researchers are investigating the safety and effectiveness of using MRI-guided focused ultrasound to help patients with treatment-resistant major depression
Friday, March 9, 2018  Dr. Amy Cheung plays a lead role in update of guidelines for adolescent depression in primary care
The Teen Depression Guidelines help physicians tackle mental health issues.