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Research news

Saturday, January 1, 2005  Predicting Tumour Growth With Genomics
Arun Seth and his team have developed a mouse model to predict how tumours spread, and they've received a big funding boost to do it.  | PDF fileDownload story / full media release  (new window)
Tuesday, September 28, 2004  Summer Students Show Science Smarts
The scientists of tomorrow showcase their research at SRI's annual summer student poster competition day.  | PDF fileDownload story / full media release  (new window)
Sunday, April 18, 2004  A Sound Venture
Funding from the NCIC and the CIHR allowed Dr. Stuart Foster and his lab to create a new ultrasound tool incorporating high-frequencytransducers that made tiny physiological details – such as the blood flow feeding a mouse tumour – visible.  | PDF fileDownload story / full media release  (new window)
Sunday, April 18, 2004  A Labour of Love
Labour and delivery is hard work for mothers and doctors alike  | PDF fileDownload story / full media release  (new window)
Sunday, April 18, 2004  Full Speed Ahead
When much of the most clinically critical science–such as preventing and curing disease–takes lifetimes to do, studies that can be done in a few years and affect patient care soon after are Superman fast. Dr. Jack Tu has done several such studies recently.  | PDF fileDownload story / full media release  (new window)