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Tuesday, May 25, 2021  Study finds dramatic decrease in motor vehicle injuries and fatalities in older Ontario adults during early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic
The study compared data 30 days before and after the province declared a state of emergency on March 17, 2020 when physical distancing measures were put in place.
Thursday, May 20, 2021  Rates of hospitalization are decreasing in Ontario, but more young adults require acute care resources: study
The study looked at over 32 million people from 1995 to 2019 using population-based administration data to compare healthcare resource utilization for people at nine distinct ages.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021  Sunnybrook researchers are trialing an alternative method of sedation for critically ill COVID-19 patients
A team of researchers is leading a multi-centre trial investigating whether inhaled sedatives can replace those typically delivered intravenously for COVID-19 patients requiring ventilation
Wednesday, May 5, 2021  Dr. Dennis Ko appointed to inaugural Jack Tu Chair in Cardiovascular Outcomes Research
The Chair will be dedicated to realizing new possibilities for cardiac care in high-risk communities
Wednesday, May 5, 2021  Apathy as a diagnosis in dementia
Dr. Krista Lanctôt, senior scientist in the Hurvitz Brain Sciences Research Program, led an international expert working group that has developed diagnostic criteria for apathy in neurocognitive disorders