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Research news

Dr. Daniel Pajek Friday, September 26, 2014  Communicating your research to someone without a science background
Graduate studies helped trainee learn to explain research in plain language
Zeiss observer Z1 spinning disc confocal microscope Friday, September 26, 2014  Tool kit: Zeiss observer Z1 spinning disc confocal microscope
Studying living cells with time-lapse microscopy
Dr. JoAnne McLaurin Friday, September 26, 2014  CV: Dr. JoAnne McLaurin
Interview with Dr. JoAnne McLaurin
emerge-sign Tuesday, September 23, 2014  Ontario trauma centres saving more lives
Likelihood of death at trauma centres in Ontario decreased between 2005 and 2011
Dr-Louise-Rose Tuesday, September 23, 2014  Nursing professorship to focus on research
Established by TD Bank Group, professorship to focus on conducting research to improve clinical outcomes for critical care patients