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Centre for Research in Image-Guided Therapeutics news

Friday, June 19, 2015  Clinician-scientist secures national investment
Award will further Sunnybrook Research Institute’s position as hub of medical device development
Monday, June 1, 2015  Waterjet MetalTech Report
Source: Shop Metal Working Technology
ddPCR System Friday, May 22, 2015  Tool Kit: BioRad’s QX200 ddPCR System
Sensitive detection and absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules
Dr. Kullervo Hynynen Friday, November 7, 2014  Making waves
Physicist crowned with prestigious award in ultrasound
Zeiss observer Z1 spinning disc confocal microscope Friday, September 26, 2014  Tool kit: Zeiss observer Z1 spinning disc confocal microscope
Studying living cells with time-lapse microscopy