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Centre for Research in Image-Guided Therapeutics news

Dr. Kullervo Hynynen and Dr. Frank Prato Wednesday, January 15, 2014  Field of view
Research day proclaims promise of image-guided medicine
Dr. Bradley MacIntosh Wednesday, January 8, 2014  Exercise turbo-boosts blood flow to brain: study
Groundwork for future stroke recovery research
GE T200 surface plasmon resonance system Thursday, September 26, 2013  Tool kit: GE T200 Surface Plasmon Resonance System
Scientist uses optical detection method to develop therapies and imaging tools for diseases
Dr. David Andrews Saturday, June 15, 2013  Tool kit: the Opera
SRI's head of Biological Sciences teams with industry to build high-content screening system
Fedon Orfanidis operates one of the manual machines Monday, June 10, 2013  At the core
Device development lab