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Harquail News

Tuesday, February 19, 2019  First patient in Canada with treatment-resistant PTSD treated with deep brain stimulation
Trial is investigating the safety and feasibility of using this approach to treatment
Thursday, January 24, 2019  World first: Blood-brain barrier opened in multiple regions in a patient with Alzheimer’s disease
Sunnybrook researchers are investigating the use of focused ultrasound in patients with Alzheimer's disease
Thursday, December 13, 2018  A North American first: Sunnybrook researchers use deep-brain stimulation to treat alcohol use disorder in new trial
Procedure is being tested for safety and efficacy for the treatment of alcohol use disorder
Wednesday, December 5, 2018  Sunnybrook researchers awarded $1.25 million grant to investigate next generation treatment options for PTSD
Grant will support the first dedicated neuromodulation program for PTSD in Canada
Friday, October 5, 2018  Recruitment continues for world first study investigating safety of opening blood-brain barrier in patients with ALS
We're recruiting patients with ALS for participation in a world first study