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In memory: Dr. Todd Mainprize

June 10, 2020

Dear Sunnybrook:

I am deeply saddened to share with you that Dr. Todd Mainprize, Division Head of Neurosurgery at Sunnybrook, died Tuesday afternoon. I would like to share our sincere condolences on behalf of the entire Sunnybrook team, to his family, friends, and colleagues.

Many of you had the opportunity to work with Dr. Mainprize since he joined the Sunnybrook team in 2008. All of those who knew him were touched by his intellect and his commitment to patient care. He was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Toronto, who was a highly respected mentor and educator and had a passion for teaching students, residents, and fellows.

He was also a dedicated researcher, who together with his team, pioneered new treatments in neuro-oncology and accomplished a world-first in breaching the blood brain barrier through focused ultrasound to deliver chemotherapy into the brain tumour of a patient.

Under his leadership, his team’s work in the Hurvitz Brain Sciences Program and the Harquail Centre for Neuromodulation at Sunnybrook has led to new clinical trials and approaches to care for diseases and conditions that were once considered untreatable. Dr. Mainprize was a key component of Sunnybrook’s strategic work in developing precision medicine for patients that would reduce the amount of time patients have to spend in hospital and ultimately improve outcomes.

Further details regarding a memorial will be shared in the days ahead. At this difficult time, support and helpful resources are available. For postgraduate trainees, please reach out to the Postgraduate Wellness Office at or 416-946-3074 or the PARO Helpline (24/7): 1-866-HELP-DOC. For physicians, the OMA’s Physician Health Program: or the confidential help line at 1-800-851-6606. For all health care providers, ACCESS CAMH provides a self-referral service. There is also Sunnybrook’s self-referral helpline at 416-480-4561 or Employee and Family Assistance program – Homewood Health –1-877-632-3165.

Thank you.

Andy Smith, MD, MSc, FRCSC, FACS
President & CEO
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre