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Sunnybrook celebrates Patient Safety Week 2020

October 26, 2020

Sunnybrook remains focused on partnering with patients to strengthen patient safety during traditional and virtual care delivery. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the provision of virtual care visits as a strategy to meet patient care needs and reduce the transmission of COVID-19 though supporting physical distancing. According to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, only 10 per cent of Canadians have experience with virtual care, but 41 per cent would like to have virtual visits with their healthcare providers.

Virtual care is new to most of us. The way to ensure that healthcare providers and patients make the most of virtual appointments is to use tried and true basics – encourage patients to ask questions and to bring an advocate with them to appointments.

Please review the following resources to help you make the most of your virtual visits and also your efforts to support physical distancing and the prevention of COVID-9 transmission. Let's work together for better healthcare for all.

Through patient and family engagement we have improved the quality and safety of the care we provide at Sunnybrook. We would like to thank all of the patients and family members who have engaged in this process and we hope that our patient and family partnerships continue to grow larger and stronger for the years to come.