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Sunnybrook injects $800M into health care for Ontario

November 2, 2009

Sunnybrook has launched the most ambitious fundraising campaign in its history. The Campaign for Sunnybrook seeks to raise $470 million, along with $300 million in matching government support, to accelerate the pace of medical research, promote the translation of scientific advances into new life-saving treatments, and expand its ability to provide life-saving care to the people of Toronto, the GTA and Ontario.

"The pace of medical discovery has never been faster than it is right now," said Dr. Barry McLellan, President and CEO of Sunnybrook. "At the same time, the health care needs of the people we serve are growing at an unprecedented rate. Sunnybrook has kept ahead of that pace with world-class innovations. But we have to keep going. Our community needs more and they need it now. We are counting on the people of Toronto, the GTA and Ontario to give generously to the Campaign for Sunnybrook so that we can be there when it matters most, for them and all the people they love."

The Campaign for Sunnybrook will support four critical areas: $212 million for new facilities; $116 million for research; $100 million for technology; and $42 million for the Sunnybrook Fund which will support the most pressing needs and promising developments at Sunnybrook. The federal and provincial governments will provide $300 million in matching funding for capital and research.

In declaring the launch of the campaign, Jennifer Tory, Chair of the Campaign for Sunnybrook, announced a $10-million gift from Seymour Schulich, one of Canada's most influential philanthropists.

"About a year ago," Ms. Tory said, "Mr. Schulich challenged Sunnybrook Foundation to raise $10 million by the end of 2008 to rebuild the Schulich Heart Centre at Sunnybrook. The Foundation did just that and Mr. Schulich has made this $10-million gift to match those donations dollar-for-dollar. This transformational gift follows a long history of investment Mr. Schulich has made in Sunnybrook."

Also announced at the campaign launch was a $1.5-million gift from donors David and Sheryl Kerr. Mr. Kerr's life was saved at Sunnybrook in 2008. Their gift was made as part of Mr. Schulich's matching challenge.

Visit the Campaign for Sunnybrook site

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