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Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratio (HSMR) released today

December 10, 2009

Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratio (HSMR) rates for hospitals and health authorities across Canada were released recently from the Canadian Institute for Health Information.

The HSMR is a measurement that compares a hospital's mortality rate with the overall national average rate. Hospitals have used this indicator worldwide to assess and analyze mortality rates. While the calculation provides an indication of expected deaths versus actual deaths, the HSMR is not meant to be used as the sole indicator of the quality of patient care in any hospital.

A ratio that is equal to 100 suggests that there is no difference between the hospital's mortality rate and the average national rate. A ratio greater than 100 suggests that the hospital's mortality rate is higher than the average national rate. A ratio less than 100 suggests that hospital's mortality rate is lower than the average national rate. Quarterly HSMR may change dramatically over the fiscal year.

Sunnybrook's HSMR for the 2008/2009 fiscal year is 88, which is quite good especially when put into context with the Toronto Central LHIN average of 89. We can be especially proud of the fact that our HSMR results since 2005 have steadily declined from 105 to 88.

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Community Name: Toronto

2004 - 2005 101 94 - 109
2005 - 2006 102 94 - 110
2006 - 2007 102 95 - 110
2007 - 2008 93 86 - 101
2008 - 2009 88 § 82 - 95
  1. * Previously referred to as HSMR All Cases
  2. 95% CI 95 = Percent Confidence Interval.
  3. § The result is statistically different from the 2004 - 2005 baseline HSMR of 100 (p<0.05)

The goal of HSMR is to help hospitals identify what changes they may want to make in order to help improve patient safety and the quality of care, and allows them to track their progress over time. The real value of the HSMR is to each organization individually. It allows hospitals to monitor their performance, understand the factors that contribute to a higher or lower ratio, and identify strategies to reduce deaths. In this context, the HSMR has proven to be an important motivator for change internationally. If you would like more information on Canadian HSMR rates, please visit the CIHI website at

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