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Sunnybrook wins greenest hospital again!

April 22, 2010

Thanks to the hard work of our staff and a significant number of innovative green programs, for the second year in a row, Sunnybrook has been pronounced one of Canada's Greenest Employers for 2010.

This special designation, awarded by the editors of Canada's Top 100 Employers, recognizes employers that are leaders in integrating environmental principles into their corporate culture and who have developed environmentally friendly programs recognized throughout the community.

We were chosen based on our unique environmental initiatives such as the creation of a new role – manager of environmental sustainability – and the Honeywell Energy and Facility Renewal program that will see Sunnybrook reduce its annual greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 9,000 metric tons - an amount equivalent to taking 1,400 cars off of the road.

Other greening initiatives that are currently underway at Sunnybrook include:

The Harry Taylor Solar Energy Wall

In fall of 2009, we became the largest source of solar energy of any Canadian health-care facility. In memory of Harry Taylor, director of facilities services and an influential, well-respected leader, the energy wall converts daylight into electricity.

Gas Scavenging in the Operating Rooms

Less than five percent of the delivered inhalation anesthetic used in ORs is metabolized by the patient, meaning that the remaining 95 percent is sent into the atmosphere. Using a special device, Sunnybrook has prevented the equivalent of 474 tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere, which is the amount of CO2 produced by 158 low-fuel consumption cars in one year.

Composting & Biodegradable Food Containers in the Cafeteria

This past January, we launched a new composting and recycling program at our On the Go Bistro and Harlequins cafeterias. This program allows organic waste to be composted and helps simplify recycling of paper, plastic, metals, glass and other materials. The "Better Bins" in the cafeteria allow for the separation and disposal of organic materials, mixed recyclables, paper recyclables and waste. As an added feature, Styrofoam is no longer used and has been replaced by biodegradable food containers.

Devoted Staff

We are also proud to announce that Rudy Amrein, director of plant operations and maintenance, was recently recognized by Mayor David Miller and the City of Toronto for his long-time energy conservation efforts and accomplishments at Sunnybrook, which have reduced emissions that lead to climate change