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Sunnybrook offers valet parking service to patients and visitors

May 1, 2006

Toronto, ON – Parking and Transportation Services at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre now offers a valet parking service to all patients and visitors at the Sunnybrook campus.

No matter where you go in the GTA, one of the biggest barriers to arriving on time can be the lack of convenient parking. Until recently, parking at Sunnybrook was no exception. As one of the largest hospitals in Toronto it is sometimes difficult for patients and visitors to find parking in close proximity to their destined hospital wing. The valet parking service will eliminate this barrier for patients and visitors and is just one example of how Sunnybrook takes extra steps to provide the best possible services for patients, families and visitors.

“We think the valet service will be a great benefit to visitors and patients,” says Solomon Ayeneababa, Manager, Parking and Transportation Services. “One of the biggest benefits being that it allows patients to arrive on time for their appointments. The service will really help to improve access to the hospital.”

The service will operate from Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. A booth will be set up near the main entrance on M1, where patients and visitors will be able to drop off their vehicle and walk to their destination or be driven to remote locations such as Sunnybrook Centre for Independent Living (SCIL). When patients or visitors are ready to leave the hospital they can call the parking office in advance at 416-480-4123 and a valet parking coordinator will arrange for a pick up.

The parking service is starting out as a four-month pilot project. A $3.00 charge will be added to regular parking charges for this service. Through comment cards given to each parking customer as they arrive, Parking and Transportation staff can determine the success of the project and decide whether it should be a permanent service.