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Health tip: Back to school - simple steps to packing balanced lunches

August 26, 2010

By Jasmine Arellano, RD

It's that time of year again. It's back to school and back to packing lunches. Keeping kids looking forward to opening their lunch boxes can be a daunting task - especially if you have a few picky eaters in the family. Here are some helpful tips to get the school year started:

  • It is important to ensure that children eat a variety of foods in order to get the nutrition their growing bodies need. Variety also assists in building a broad repertoire of foods and helps cultivate diverse palates. When planning lunches, get the kids involved. Ask them to pick a few new fruits or vegetables each week, along with yogurt dips, veggie dips or spreads they would like to try it with. The goal isn't to choose the items with perfect nutrition labels, but to encourage them to expand their list of preferred foods and help balance their meals.
  • Presentation, preparation and persistence can make a big difference. A "ketchup happy face", a personalized set of cutlery, or involving children in meal preparation, such as having them put together their sandwiches, fajitas or fruit skewers can help keep them engaged. It's also important to be persistent. It may take weeks, months or years for a child to muster up the courage or curiosity to try new foods. Being persistent in having these foods available may prevent any missed opportunities.
  • Allow for occasional treats. Providing these foods occasionally, as a treat and not a reward, may prevent them from overeating when these foods are provided or nag you each time you pass the snack aisle at the grocery store. By demonstrating that all foods can fit into a healthy and balanced diet, you also promote a positive attitude toward food.

Remember, you play the most important role in feeding a healthy family. You can start by fostering a positive relationship with food, from kitchen to table and in this case, their lunch box. Your home can be the greatest health promotion strategy money can buy.