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President and CEO, Leo Steven communicates his intention to retire in 2007

February 2, 2007

The Board of Directors of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre regrets to announce that hospital President and CEO, Leo Steven has communicated his intention to retire in 2007. We are thankful that Leo will remain in his role over the next several months to allow for a comprehensive search for his successor and ensure a proper transition to the new President and CEO.

Leo has been an exceptional leader for Sunnybrook. The hospital is financially sound and well poised for future success and we owe Leo a debt of thanks for helping the organization achieve this position. When Leo joined Sunnybrook we were looking for a leader who could bring stability to the organization and focus the hospital on its core business of caring for patients, teaching students and conducting research. Under Leo’s tenure, he has put in place an excellent team and created an environment that has made Sunnybrook one of the country’s best academic health sciences centres as demonstrated by our ability to attract and retain national and internationally renowned faculty.

Through Leo’s leadership, our research funding has tripled, vaulting us to second place among Toronto teaching hospitals. We continue to attract an increased number of residents, fellows and students from a variety of health disciplines and our educators are winning national acclaim for teaching excellence. We are treating an increased number of patients and we have approved our efficiency to the point where we are able to attract further funding from government.

In his time with Sunnybrook, Leo has probably seen more in the past five years than most CEO’s experience in their entire careers. He has led the hospital through floods, outbreaks, power outages, mergers and de-mergers and a seemingly endless stream of issues but through it all, he maintained his composure, never wavered from his commitment to the organization and its patients, and always found the bright-side and a solution when the situation sometimes appeared to be insurmountable.

I know Leo has been a mentor and inspirational leader to many of our staff and our selection of someone to fill his role will not be made without careful consideration. We will be looking for someone who can continue to lead the hospital along the trail Leo has blazed for the organization and someone who will share his true passion for Sunnybrook.

At the Board meeting in February, we will officially form the search committee for Leo’s replacement which Chair-Elect, Mr. David Leslie will lead. Marilyn Reddick, Sunnybrook’s Vice President of Human Resources will provide staff support through this process. I expect the search will take a few months but we are in the fortunate position of not having to rush to make a decision. Rather, the stability of the hospital and Leo’s ability to remain in his current role, affords us the opportunity to select the best candidate to become the hospital’s new President and CEO.

On behalf of the entire Board of Directors and the many communities we represent, we would like to thank Leo for the leadership he has provided to Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Leo has helped create an organization that can be proud of its accomplishments and can look forward to a rewarding future.

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