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Best practice spotlight organization

May 18, 2012

Sunnybrook is among 15 health care organizations in Ontario that have been selected to join the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario RNAO's Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) program, to advance excellence in patient care.

As a BPSO candidate, we will implement numerous clinical best practice guidelines developed by the RNAO, which provide nurses with up-to-date research evidence in patient care. Forty-seven guidelines have been developed to date, including ones focused on the use of restraints, preventing falls, wound care, and preventing childhood obesity.

The RNAO has also developed guidelines that are dedicated to treating chronic conditions such as diabetes, stroke, hypertension and asthma.

Each participating health-care facility selects guidelines they feel will have the greatest impact on the health and well-being of their patients and clients. During the three-year partnership, we will implement guidelines, identify ways to sustain best practices, and evaluate the impact on patient and organizational outcomes.

After being a BPSO candidate for three years and successfully meeting the RNAO's criteria, organizations are designated as Best Practice Spotlight Organizations, and will join over 200 sites already on board in Canada and abroad.

Read the RNAO's full media release
