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Conflict Photographers: a series by Dr. Feinstein in the Globe and Mail

June 21, 2016

Over the past year, Sunnybrook neuropsychiatrist Dr. Anthony Feinstein has worked with the Globe and Mail on a series investigating the psychological effects of war on 12 conflict photographers.

From the Globe and Mail:

"Photojournalists are vital witnesses to global events. Through their lenses, we, the reader safe at home, glean a sliver of visual reality from places torn by man-made or natural catastrophe. As recent events have shown, kidnap for ransom and murder to instill terror has made journalism increasingly hazardous. This in turn has challenged journalists as never before when it comes to their physical and emotional wellbeing."

"Once a month, [the Globe] will feature a frank and intimate interview between Dr. Feinstein and a photojournalist. Each article will showcase an image that represents a seminal moment in their life and career, and which often presents a window to a much greater issue."

» Read the entire series at

Dr. Anthony Feinstein