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Education Week: November 16 – 20, 2020

November 10, 2020

Sunnybrook is one of Canada’s premier academic health sciences centres. Our learners come from all over the world to study with our renowned faculty and become important members of our interprofessional, person-centred teams. That’s something to celebrate.
Join us on Education Week for knowledge and appreciation.

Innovation in Patient Education During COVID-19

Tuesday, November 17, 2019: 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
Location: Online (Zoom)

Join us for an online panel discussion on how we are providing care virtually, what patient education looks like in a virtual environment, how patient educators participate in virtual care and what we can do to expand our patient education efforts during COVID.

Panel speakers:

Dr. Sharon Domb

Dr. Sharon Domb is a family physician, the physician IT lead at Sunnybrook Family Practice, and an associate professor at the University of Toronto. As a peer leader with OntarioMD since 2009, she has provided guidance to numerous other academic and community groups on their EMR implementations and enhanced functionality. She has served as the co-chair of the EMR Users Group at the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto, and has been a member of numerous digital health committees, both nationally and provincially. With over 25 years of clinical experience in the academic environment, Dr. Domb is well-versed with the numerous factors that contribute to complex EMR implementations, including educational requirements, custom interfaces with hospital IT systems, and integrating with hospital IT policies.

Dr. Illana Halperin

Dr. Ilana Halperin is an endocrinologist at Sunnybrook and assistant professor at University of Toronto. She was an early adopter of the Ontario Telemedicine Pilot Project for direct to patient video visits and gained international attention after she tweeted about a successful virtual clinic done from her family cottage all prior to the pandemic. She also has a large practice of patients with diabetes and uses advanced technologies such as continuous glucose monitors (a wearable technology) to help facilitate virtual care. When the pandemic hit she was called upon by Diabetes Canada and other local and provincial groups to provide educational sessions on how to optimize virtual care for diabetes using mobile applications and wearable technologies. As part of an interprofessional team she has converted the care for pregnant women with diabetes to completely virtual, including a group education class conducted on zoom and use of pre-appointment surveys to collect patient reported data, including blood glucose monitoring. She finds that the providing care virtually has many advantages for the patient and that coupled with other technologies like asynchronous messaging, pre-appointment surveys and wearable technologies she is able to provide meaningful advice to patients on how to optimize their diabetes without an in-person appointment.

Brandy Tanenbaum

Brandy Tanenbaum is the program coordinator in the Centre for Injury Prevention at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. The Centre for Injury Prevention delivers programming, education and research aimed at reducing the risk and severity of injury in the community. Brandy has an undergraduate degree in kinesiology and health sciences and a master’s degree in public health.

Registration required: Please register by sending your name and role at Sunnybrook to

This event is open only to Sunnybrook staff, physicians and learners.

Learner Appreciation Day

Wednesday, November 18, 2020: 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
Online (Zoom)

On Learner Appreciation Day, we celebrate the more than 4,000 learners from 40 different health disciplines who come to train at Sunnybrook each year. Join us for a mindfulness session led by psychiatry resident Dr. Selina Zeng, be inspired with a student innovation showcase, and enjoy some games and prizes! You deserve this break from your studies. Worried about taking the time? Talk to your supervisor.

This event is open only to Sunnybrook students, interns, residents and fellows. Details will be e-mailed to all learners.

ReVITALizing your Virtual Teaching and Learning

Thursday, November 19, 2019: 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
Location: Online (Zoom)

Educators, clinicians and leaders are learning together to pivot to the ‘new normal’ of virtual teaching and learning across our systems. In this one-hour talk, we will share emerging practices in online facilitation from our experiences in virtual interprofessional education, team communication and care. Participant engagement and facilitation strategies from our VITAL (Virtual Interprofessional Teaching and Learning) Program will be discussed, including optimizing videoconferencing norms, small group breakouts, large group monitoring, real-time polling, chat box/annotation activities, team simulation videos and videoconferencing technology management. We will also discuss reflecting on your 'web-side' manner for personal and professional connections in virtual teaching, learning and care. 

Guest speaker:

Dean Lising

Dean Lising, PT, BSc(PT), BSc, MHSc(Health Admin), is the team-based practice and education lead at the Centre for Interprofessional Education (IPE), University of Toronto (UT) at University Health Network. Dean leads IPE curriculum, professional and faculty development programs locally and internationally and is the co-creator of the BOOST! and VITAL programs, adapting IPE and care teaching strategies into virtual formats. As co-chair of the Toronto Academic Health Sciences Network (TAHSN) Practice Interprofessional Care Working Group, Dean has led the advancement of interprofessional competencies, organizational and team tools across clinical teams, organizations and networks. Dean is faculty for Ontario’s Improving and Driving Excellence Across Sectors (IDEAS) Foundation programs, co-authored published team dynamics research in international quality and safety literature. He has recently collaborated with the Canadian Mental Health Association Peel Branch to deliver teamwork and virtual care education to mental health leaders, providers and teams. Dean continues to work as a physiotherapist with 20 years of experience in inpatient, critical care, emergency and community clinic settings.

Registration required: Please register by sending your name and role at Sunnybrook to

This event is open only to Sunnybrook staff, physicians and learners.

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Show your appreciation to someone who has been instrumental in your learning at Sunnybrook by sending them an “e-apple of thanks.”

We are all teachers. We are all learners. Thank you for your contribution to education at Sunnybrook.