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New Medical and Research Director, Simulation

February 1, 2021

Please welcome Dr. Fahad Alam as our new Sunnybrook Canadian Simulation Centre (SCSC) medical and research director. Dr. Alam will work closely with Agnes Ryzynski, who was recently appointed the director of the SCSC.

Dr. Alam has been with Sunnybrook since 2014 as an anesthesiologist and medical education researcher, with a special interest in medical education, simulation and technology enhanced learning. He is also an assistant professor in the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine at University of Toronto.

Dr. Alam completed a fellowship at the Wilson Centre for Research in Medical Education. He received a clinical investigator certification from the University of Toronto, a Diploma in Medical Education from the University of Dundee, and a master’s degree in translational research through the Institute of Medical Sciences at the University of Toronto. Dr. Alam is a rising star in simulation-based research and has already won numerous competitive grants and awards with many impactful publications.

As chair of the Simulation and Education section of the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society (CAS), Dr. Alam leads innovative education initiatives across Canada. He is the co-founder and Director of the Collaborative Human Immersive Interactions Lab (CHISIL), an immersive reality (virtual reality and augmented reality) academic creation and research lab with a special focus on enhancing patient and learner experience and delivery of care.

This is a very exciting time for simulation at Sunnybrook and we are delighted to have Dr. Alam assume this new academic leadership role.