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Three education research projects awarded at conference

November 18, 2013

Congratulations to three Sunnybrook-led teams who took home top prizes at the 2nd Annual Sunnybrook Education Conference in October.

Best Oral Presentation
(Two first-place winners)

Merrylee McGuffin and her team in radiation oncology were awarded for the presentation, "Bladder Volume Standardization - a quality improvement initiative." Using carefully labeled reusable water bottles, the group is looking to help educate patients undergoing prostate cancer screening about the importance of attending appointments with a full bladder.

Dr. Esther Bui tied for first place for the presentation, "Development of a Mobile Assessment Tool for on-the-go Teaching Using Smartphone Technology." Dr. Bui and her team have developed a web-based application that allows students to provide feedback to their teachers after rounds and tutorials. "Teachers speak a lot of teaching on-the-go like this," Dr. Bui says, "but there's no quantified feedback or evaluation." The web-based app allows teachers to register their classes and students are able to provide reflective feedback anonymously.

Best Poster

Dr. Ari Zaretsky and Shamena Maharaj were awarded for their poster, "Development of an Education Balanced Scorecard."  Balanced score cards are used by hospitals to enhance accountability in many domains of clinical care, but few hospitals utilize balanced score cards for education. The Education and Measurement Committee spent 12 months refining the metrics within four areas of education in the hospital: Education Collaboration and Partnership, Education Capacity Building, Education Excellence and Education Research Scholarship and Innovation.  
