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Q and A with an Education Champion: Craig Dale

November 5, 2014

Craig Dale has worked at Sunnybrook for 20 years. On his journey, Craig has held many roles, including staff nurse, research coordinator, educator and advanced practice nurse. He says his colleagues — clinicians and researcher who strive to offer something better for our most vulnerable patients — are a consistent source of satisfaction.

Craig recently received the Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award from the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing. The student-nominated award is given to someone who demonstrates excellence in teaching – characterized by superlative communication skills, mastery of subject area, ability to stimulate enthusiasm and critical/analytic thinking in students, and the development of innovative teaching approaches.

Here’s a Q and A with Craig about his role as an educator.

What is undergraduate teaching?
Undergraduate nursing teaching involves the design, delivery and ongoing evaluation of coursework comprising a wide range of intersecting subjects (e.g., pathophysiology, pharmacology, patient assessment, and research). Most recently I have been teaching medical-surgical nursing practice.

How does it feel to receive a teaching award?
Given the concentration of extraordinary teaching at the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, it is a distinct honour to be recognized. It is particularly meaningful that my award is student driven.

What do you think it takes to be a good and effective clinical teacher?
Three things come to mind: credibility, compassion and creativity. Creating the right environment for open dialogue is critical for effective teaching. I am always aiming for the “A-ha” moment where all of the information comes together in a flash of inspired student learning.

What advice do you have for other educators, preceptors or mentors at Sunnybrook and beyond?
Model the interpersonal skills you most admire in others. The gifts of our best teachers and colleagues sustain and inspire us for a very long time. Keep that positive energy moving forward.

Craig Dale