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Q and A with an Education Champion: Karen Moline

November 28, 2014

Karen Moline, radiation therapist and clinical coordinator for the undergraduate radiation therapy program, has worked at the Odette Cancer Centre for 30 years. Karen was recently awarded the Michener Institute’s Crystal Apple Award for outstanding contribution to the clinical education of its students. Recipients are selected based on student nominations.

We caught up with Karen to find out more about her role and what it means to be an educator:

What do you like the most about your job?

I really enjoy working with both my patients and students; everyone is unique and each interaction offers the opportunity for personal growth and development. Each student arrives with their own learning needs and passion, and I have the privilege to support and work with them as we explore their understanding and expand their critical thinking. Observing their growth, meeting challenges and succeeding are all very rewarding. Then I have been fortunate to see their careers soar.

What is clinical teaching?

Clinical teaching is integrating their knowledge with real life (the complexities and the nuances), responding to all the patient's needs and ensuring excellent care is provided in a highly technical field.

How does it feel to receive a clinical teaching award?

Receiving an award is an honour. It’s a warm feeling, knowing that you made a difference to the extent that they were motivated to share their experience with the program.

What do you think it takes to be a good and effective clinical teacher?

Listening, hearing, providing focus, direction and support. Ensuring a safe place to learn and take risks. Challenging their thinking. Engaging in discussion to think beyond the basics. Honesty. Transparency with performance levels. Engaging students to self evaluate and reflect on their practice.

What advice do you have for other educators, preceptors or mentors at Sunnybrook and beyond?

As educators, mentors and preceptors, we are learners too. We know what it feels like not to have the answer. Be patient and listen. Everyone benefits from good coaching. Engaging and collaborating with other mentors, preceptors and educators enhances our skills in teaching.

Watch one of Karen's students on the job:

Karen Moline