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Celebrate Education Week 2017

November 7, 2017

Sunnybrook celebrates teaching and learning during this year's Education Week. 

Patient Education Day (11:30am – 2:00pm) - Tuesday, November 14, 2017:

Patients are key members of our healthcare teams. How can we engage patients and their families as teachers of our students, staff and other patients?

Join Dr. Ari Zaretsky as he examines how engaging patients as educator can improve outcomes, positively influence the patient experience and effectively leverage the lived experiences of patients.

This afternoon will also feature a compelling video series of patient as educator in cancer, mental health and person-centred care. A panel of experts will share their work and discuss how to engage patients as educators and opportunities for collaboration.

Ari will be providing the keynote from 11:50 am – 12:35 pm and that will follow with a panel discussion.

Learner Day – Wednesday, November 15, 2017:

On Learner Appreciation Day, we celebrate the more than 4,000 learners from 40 different health disciplines who come to train at Sunnybrook each year. We will host a celebratory lunch from11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in McLaughlin Auditorium where learners can network, meet one another and win great prizes. Students, interns, residents and fellows: please drop by for all or part of the lunch!

Come have lunch, meet other learners and take a break from your studies. Worried about taking the time? Talk to your supervisor. (Supervisors, please allow your learns to come to McLaughlin Auditorium). 11 am to 2 pm.

Teacher Appreciation Day – Thursday, November 16, 2017:

What better way to show your appreciation to someone who has been instrumental in your learning here at Sunnybrook and beyond? Celebrate them with an “e-apple of thanks.” There will be booths located at the Odette Cancer Centre, Veterans Centre, E1 (Harlequin’s), St. John’s Rehab (between 12-1 only) and the Holland Centre. Please come by between 11 am and 2 pm, send an e-card to a colleague, receive a token of thanks for your teaching — and grab a real apple, too!

Come check out the Master Class for Teachers with Stella Ng, PhD, who will present: Teaching for Critical Reflection: Why and how? A light breakfast will be served. Stella is the Director of Research, Centre for Faculty Development and the Arrell Family Chair in Health Professions Teaching. 8 am-8:45 am

Annual Sunnybrook Education Conference: Reinventing Learning: The Science Behind Teaching & Learning–Friday, November 17, 2017:

A full-day conference focused on learning, from simulation to student wellness to online serious games. Designed for teachers and learners, the GTA health-care community, and external partners in education, the day will include a broad range of world-class speakers, presentations, posters and interactive workshops. With Keynote Speaker Maria Mylopoulos will talk about educational strategies to create innovative problem solvers.

More information and register.

8 am - 5 pm

McLaughlin Auditorium.

We are all teachers. We are all learners. Thank you for your contribution to education at Sunnybrook.