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Day in the life of a resident

January 11, 2013

First-year University of Toronto family practice resident Tiffany Florindo is one of 4,000 students who learn the ropes at Sunnybrook each year.

Dr. Florindo has agreed to let Sunnybrook Communications Advisor Monica Matys follow her for a year to create a web video series that provides candid insight into what it's like to be a resident.

And, she says, it's not quite the same as what's portrayed on TV.

"On a lot of the TV shows, we are often led to believe medicine is always chaotic, or have the exciting mystery diagnosis, like you see on House, or parties everyday like you see on Grey's Anatomy," she said. "It's not parties everyday. It's a lot of hard work."

In the web series, Dr. Florindo shares her thoughts on what it's like to be called doctor, how she deals with death on the job and why her job is never boring.

Check out a feature about Dr. Florindo in the University of Toronto's Faculty of Medicine News.

And watch the web series:

Tiffany Florindo