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Teachable Moments: 5 Tips to be a Good Mentor

February 26, 2013

Call it what you want: mentor, coach, influencer, sounding board, guide. In an academic hospital setting, leaders often find themselves counselling staff and emerging leaders, be it formally or informally. 

Sunnybrook’s Vice-President of Human Resources Marilyn Reddick has some tips for those who may find themselves in this sort of role.

1) Make the time and keep the time: If you say you will meet the first Thursday of each month, do so. Even if it means you will both have to stay an hour late that night.

2) Set some goals and ground rules: Have the person you are mentoring outline what it is they want gain from your meetings. Set a goal and a vision for your relationship. “Ask the person to come to meetings prepared with questions,” Reddick said. “But remember, sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know. So, often I say to them, ‘If I wanted to know about staff engagement, these are the questions I would ask.’ ”

3) Go forth and conquer: In both clinical and other mentorship relationships, at the end of each meeting, it is helpful ask the person you are mentoring to do something. “For example, I was working with a woman who really had a difficulty receiving and giving praise. It simply wasn’t a part of her upbringing and she felt very uncomfortable with it. So, when we worked together, I said, ‘This week, I want you to think of one way of praising a team member. And I want you to do it.’ We thought of some examples and she followed through.”

4) Be a resource: “Direct them to other literature, blogs, websites, people within the organization or beyond who you think would be good connections.

5) Remember the good ol’ days: “We can all remember people who have made a difference in our careers, people who were great mentors and coaches to us.,” Reddick said. “Sit back and reflect on why they made a difference to us and how they did that. 

“I think as leaders, we have an obligation to pass things forward. Remember how it was when you started.”

woman sitting with student