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7th Annual Marc Santi Valentine's Gala

January 20, 2011

On the afternoon of April 6, 2001, Marc was involved in a tragic motor vehicle accident. Due to severe head injuries incurred in the accident Marc lay unconscious for nine days in the Trauma Unit at the Sunnybrook & Women's College Health Science Centre. Having fought so courageously for his life, Marc quietly passed away on April 15, 2001. It was Easter Sunday. 

Marc was an inspiring young man and a true leader in so many ways, especially at school and within his community. His trademark was an energetic zeal and enthusiasm for life, his cheerfulness and great sense of humor. Marc enjoyed life to the fullest. In order that Marc’s legacy and memory never be forgotten the Santi family and close friends established "The Marc Santi Foundation". 

The Foundation is preparing for the 7th Annual Marc Santi Foundation Gala, presenting CARNAVAL taking place Saturday, February 12th, 2011 at Le Parc Banquet Hall (Markham). This event features the Errol Fisher Band, The George St. Kitts Band and a terrific live auction. 

For tickets or information, please email or 905-884-5361.

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