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Critical Care Medicine

Staff physicians

Dominique Piquette
Dr. Dominique Piquette, MD, PhD


Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
2075 Bayview Ave., Room D1 29
Toronto, ON
M4N 3M5

Phone: 416-480-6100 ext. 689618
Fax: 416-480-4999


  • MD, 2000, University of Montreal, Canada
  • FRCPC, 2005, University of Montreal, Canada
  • M.Sc., 2006, University of Montreal, Canada
  • M.Ed., 2008, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada
  • PhD, 2014, Institute of Medical Sciences, U of T, Canada

Appointments and Affiliations:

Research Foci:

  • Medical education
  • Clinical supervision and feedback
  • Clinical learning
  • Competency-based medical education in critical care
  • Simulation as a research tool

Research Summary:

Dominique Piquette is an adult critical care staff physician in the Department of Critical Care Medicine of Sunnybrook, an Associate Professor in the Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, at the University of Toronto, and a Wilson Centre Scholar. Dr. Piquette’s current research interests are primarily focused on better understanding how physicians learn in changing critical care clinical environments at the postgraduate and post-certification levels. In order to achieve this goal, she uses a range of research methodologies, including quantitative and qualitative approaches. Dr. Piquette is also actively engaged in critical care curriculum development and evaluation, as well as in teaching at multiple levels.

Selected Publications:

See current publications list at PubMed.