Cancer trials
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Trial details

Metastatic Tumor Research and Outcomes Network

To find out more about this trial and your cancer treatment options, please speak with your doctor.

Trial short name: MTRON

Official title: Metastatic Tumor Research and Outcomes Network

Principal Investigator:

Cancer type: Central Nervous System
Cancer location: Spine
Disease stage: Advanced Cancer
Trial phase: Other
Intervention: Other: Registry

Registration #: NCT02830451

Trial description:
The purpose of this study is to create a collection of medical information from patients with metastatic spinal tumours (cancer that spread into the spine). All patients diagnosed with metastatic tumours in the spine may be able to participate. Patients will be registered on study and medical data will be collected throughout the patients’ life. No treatment will be provided to patients as part of this study.

Inclusion Criteria: • Patient 18 or older. • Patient diagnosed with a metastatic tumor of the spine • Informed consent obtained, i.e.: o Ability to understand the content of the patient information/ICF o Willingness and ability to participate in the registry according to the Registry Plan o Signed and dated EC/IRB approved written informed consent (if consent is required by the EC/ IRB at the registry site) Exclusion Criteria: • Patient diagnosed with a primary tumor of the spine.