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Quality Improvement Plan 24/25

Our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) is one of the tools we use to track our performance toward achieving our Quality Strategic Goals: Safe, Seamless & Sustainable Care. This plan represents our ongoing commitment to achieve system-wide quality, and safety best practices that improve patient experiences and outcomes.

Each initiative within our 2024/25 QIP has identified a specific target that the improvement team plans to achieve. Targets are chosen based on a number of factors, including best available evidence, how we’ve performed in the past, or how our peers are performing (where data are available). We strive to identify targets that will motivate our teams and drive our improvement work forward, while being mindful of the common challenges to making change in a healthcare setting. Details about how and why our targets were chosen are outlined within each individual work plan.

Each year, as part of the Excellent Care for All Act (2010) we publicly post our Quality Improvement Plan and submit it to the provincial government so they can track improvement performance across the system. We believe it is important for the many communities we serve across the province to see how we are meeting their needs by delivering excellent care. As a component of each quality improvement plan, teams must outline how they will engage patients and families in their quality improvement work in 2024/25.

How to read the Quality Improvement Plan

Our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) includes:

  1. PDF Narrative: A brief overview of our quality strategic goals and the areas of focus in the Quality Improvement Plan.
  2. PDF Work Plan: A detailed spreadsheet that describes our improvement plans and targets, and includes indicators recommended by Health Quality Ontario and others we've identified as a priority.