Hospital  >  Departments  >  Medicine  >  Divisions  >  Dermatology  >  Request for companion process & criteria

Request for companion process & criteria

Dear patient and friend/family member,

We know how important visitors and companions are to our patients, and it is our priority to keep patients, staff and visitors safe.

During this time, we are allowing only outpatients with significant need to be accompanied by a fully vaccinated companion. Outpatients must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Patient or staff safety may be compromised. For example, a patient may have a risk of wandering or falling.
  • Support is required for significant mobility or cognitive impairments (including dementia and significant developmental or intellectual issues) that cannot be met by hospital staff. For example, an approved companion would assist a patient with visiting the washroom and provide support for communication needs.
  • Discussions of life-altering care decisions or goals of care will take place during the patient’s visit.

If a patient is in a wheelchair but does not meet the above criteria, they will receive a 'ticket to ride' to pass along to their health care team. This identifies the name of the patient’s family or friend, and contact phone number, who are waiting outside to pick up the patient. When the appointment has finished, the family or friend will receive a call saying the patient is on their way by escort to the main entrance.

If you have any questions or concerns about an upcoming outpatient visit, please call 416-480-4908 in advance of the outpatient appointment.

Please note, if a companion has been approved, they will be screened at the front door to see if they meet criteria for entering. This includes that it must be at least 14 days since the companion has received a final dose of a Health Canada-approved vaccine. Patients may still enter the hospital even if they are not fully vaccinated.

Sunnybrook’s up-to-date visitor policy is available at

Thank you.

– December 2, 2021

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